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Revealing the Heart of God Through the Prophetic

Writer's picture: Joshua MinterJoshua Minter

The prophetic ministry is a beautiful expression of God’s desire to reveal His heart and nature to His people. Prophecy is not just about foretelling; it’s about forth-telling—speaking life, hope, and encouragement as inspired by the Holy Spirit. As 1 Corinthians 14:3 reminds us, prophecy is meant to edify, encourage, and comfort. Through it, God’s love and character are unveiled in ways that draw people closer to Him.

The Prophetic Reveals God’s Love

“We love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). God’s love is foundational to everything we do, and the prophetic serves as a powerful reminder of this truth. Prophetic words affirm people’s worth and remind them that they are deeply loved by God, no matter their circumstances.

Practical Application: When delivering a prophetic word, pause and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His love for the person. Speak from a place of compassion and care, allowing your words to echo God’s heart.

The Prophetic Reflects God’s Compassion

“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love” (Psalm 145:8). Through the prophetic, God often highlights the pain, struggles, or hidden burdens of someone’s heart. This is not to expose or condemn but to bring healing, hope, and restoration.

Testimony: One woman, burdened by silent grief, received a word of knowledge during a prayer meeting. The prophetic word affirmed that God saw her pain and was walking with her through it. That revelation brought her Divine peace and hope she hadn’t felt in years.

The Prophetic Demonstrates God’s Faithfulness

“He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23). Prophetic ministry often reminds people of God’s promises and His commitment to fulfill what He has spoken. When people feel forgotten or discouraged, a timely prophetic word can renew their trust in God’s faithfulness.

Activation: Are you waiting on the promises of God to be fulfilled in your life? Declare God’s faithfulness over your live and allow the Holy Spirit to encourage your heart to hold onto His Word.

The Prophetic Calls People to Holiness

“Be holy, because I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16). Prophecy is not merely about affirming where someone is but inviting them into deeper alignment with God’s will. It reflects His purity and righteousness while avoiding the pitfalls of judgment and condemnation.

Example: Instead of calling out someone’s flaws, declare the opposite prophetically. If someone struggles with impurity, speak over them: “You are called to live in purity and honor. God has set you apart for His glory.” Let the Holy Spirit be the one to convict and transform; our role is to partner with Him, not to take His place.

Testimony: While I was ministering at one of the gospel truck outreaches in Redding, California with the BSSM students, a whole football team came to the outreach. The Holy Spirit led me to talk to two young men. After I shared the word of knowledge about their bodies needing healing, they received healing in their bodies. They also gave their lives to Jesus. As I was getting ready to walk away, the Holy Spirit told me to say the craziest, boldest sentence. He told me to tell them that there is a grace for them to give me their drugs, so that the Holy Spirit can set them free from drug addiction. As I said that, they emptied their pockets of all their drugs, and the power of God overshadowed them as they were delivered from drug addiction. Because my heart was so full of love and compassion towards them, and no judgment in my heart, they felt the gentle conviction of the Holy Spirit to repent. Conviction of the Holy Spirit leads us to repentance, condemnation leads us to shame, keeping us in the cycle of sin.

The Prophetic Brings Healing and Restoration

“I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26). The prophetic often releases words of healing—whether emotional, spiritual, or physical. Through these words, God reveals Himself as our Healer and Restorer.

Testimony: I was invited to preach at a church in Portland in January. After the message, the Holy Spirit prompted me to call out sicknesses that He wanted to heal. So full of faith, I called out thyroid problems. During the prayer and ministry time, a young woman came forward to receive prayer. As I started to pray, God gave me a few key moments in her past that she needed emotional healing for. At that moment, she received full healing and was greatly impacted by the healing power of Jesus. I would not have known any of that information, as she told us that she has never mentioned that information to anyone before.

The Prophetic Declares God’s Peace

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you” (John 14:27). In times of fear and uncertainty, prophetic words often carry a supernatural peace. They remind people of God’s sovereignty and His ability to calm the storms in their lives.

Testimony: During one of our outreaches, the Holy Spirit led us to a woman standing by a fountain. She was a tourist taking photos of herself. I had my guitar, and I asked her if we could sing a prophetic song over her to encourage her. The song was filled with love and compassion for her, and it sang about how she needed peace over her current circumstances. She wept in the presence of Jesus, and He brought peace to her heart. After the song was done, she told us how the words aligned with what she was going through and actually confirmed what steps she needed to take. She was filled with hope and peace, knowing that God has her in the palm of His hand. She gave her life to Jesus after that. She was from a closed country. Praise Jesus, she is now a daughter of a loving Father.

The Prophetic Unveils God’s Goodness

“Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). Prophecy highlights God’s blessings and reminds people of His good plans for their lives. It’s a powerful way to declare hope and purpose, even in difficult seasons.

Prophetic Activation Exercise

Objective: Equip believers to hear from God and share prophetic words that reveal His nature.

  1. Take a moment to listen to the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to quiet your heart before the Lord.

  2. Pray: “Holy Spirit, show me something about Your nature that You want me to share with someone.”

  3. I encourage you to share what you sense, emphasizing love and humility in your delivery.

The prophetic is a gift designed to draw people closer to God and reveal His heart. It reminds us of His love, compassion, faithfulness, and power. As we partner with the Holy Spirit in this ministry, we become vessels through which His nature is made known.

Commissioning Prayer: “Lord, use us to reveal Your love, compassion, faithfulness, and power through the prophetic. Let Your nature be known through our words and actions. Equip us to speak life, healing, and hope to those who need it most. Amen.”

Embrace the prophetic with boldness and humility, knowing it is a tool to bring others into the embrace of God’s heart.

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