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Writer's pictureJoshua Minter

You Are Adopted

How true do these thoughts feel?

When reflecting on the statements such as “I have great value, regardless of what I do,” “I’m worthy of love without having to earn it,” and “I am enough, just as I am,” it is essential to delve deeper into our own self-perception and self-worth. These affirmations touch upon the core of our being and challenge us to confront any underlying beliefs or experiences that may hinder us from fully embracing them.

Scoring oneself on a scale of 1-7 based on the authenticity of these thoughts can reveal a lot about our emotional well-being and past experiences. If one finds it challenging to resonate with these statements and scores 4 or lower, it may indicate unresolved trauma that requires attention and healing.

Recognizing the presence of such trauma is the first step towards allowing Jesus to work within us and facilitate the process of restoration. By acknowledging our wounds and seeking healing, we can supernaturally move towards a place of belonging, love, identity and worthiness.

Identifying father wounds

If your father was not affectionate, not approving, not emotional, and not present, then you most likely have developed certain behavioral patterns as a result of these experiences.

  • One of the patterns you may exhibit is people-pleasing, where you constantly seek to please others in order to receive the validation and approval you missed from your father.

  • Another pattern could be seeking affection, as the lack of emotional connection from your father may have left you longing for love and affection from others.

  • Furthermore, you might find yourself seeking validation in various aspects of your life, trying to fill the void left by your father's lack of approval.

  • These experiences could also lead to codependent tendencies, where you rely heavily on others for your sense of self-worth and identity.

  • In some cases, individuals who have experienced a lack of emotional presence from their father may develop dissociative behaviors as a coping mechanism to disconnect from their emotions or reality.

In order to break free from these patterns, it is essential to focus on positioning yourself to receive the love and support that may have been absent from your relationship with your father. God the Father is the ultimate source of your needs, and only He can address the void of love and belonging that you have carried for so long. The Holy Spirit is the guide that helps us recognize ourselves as sons and daughters, leading us to call out, "Abba Father." Through Jesus, we have been welcomed as sons and daughters and granted complete access to God the Father. As a result, we can confidently approach God the Father with the expectation that He will mend our hearts and liberate us from the orphan spirit.

The Transformative Power of Being Known, Seen, and Loved

Known by God

In Psalms 139:1-6,The verses reflect on the profound understanding that God has of each individual, knowing our thoughts and actions before we even speak them. This passage highlights the intimate relationship between God and humanity, emphasizing the depth of God's knowledge and care for His creation. As we meditate on these verses, we are reminded of the comforting truth that we are fully known and deeply loved by our Creator. The psalmist's words invite us to embrace the awe-inspiring reality of God's presence in every aspect of our lives, guiding us with His wisdom and grace.


During an treasure hunt outreach in Redding, California, I experienced the transformative power of Psalms 139:136. We participated in a treasure hunt, seeking God's treasures in the area. One of the clues on my list was a young girl in a black hoodie. Despite finding all other treasures, I couldn't locate her. Back at the church, sharing testimonies, I spotted the girl looking sad and out of place. Realizing she was the one on my list, I approached her, asked to pray, and felt led to seek forgiveness on behalf of someone named Antonio. This revelation brought her to tears, leading to a profound emotional breakthrough as she forgave Antonio and found comfort in being known by God. The following day, she joyfully approached me, transformed by the power of God's love and by being known by God the Father.

Seen by God

Psalms 139:16 is a verse from the Bible that holds significant meaning for many believers. In this particular verse, it is written: "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." This verse is often interpreted as a reflection on the omniscience and omnipotence of God, emphasizing the idea that He has a plan for each individual from the very beginning of their existence. It speaks to the belief that God knows us intimately, even before we are born, and has a purpose for our lives.


One of the most incredible experiences I've witnessed of being seen by God was during an outreach in the red light district of South Africa. When Racheal and I initiated the human trafficking ministry in South Africa, we would roam the city streets late at night in search of girls who had been trafficked into the sex trade industry. This outreach was extremely perilous, necessitating discreet prayers and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Due to the high risk of severe crimes, there were certain areas we were advised against visiting. While passing by one of the most dangerous streets in the vicinity, I noticed a girl standing under a street light. Despite the darkness and danger of the street, I felt compelled by Father God to walk towards her. I warned Racheal and the other women accompanying us about the danger, but they chose to follow me down the street. As we progressed, we couldn't see anyone at the corner, but I was convinced she was there. Upon reaching the street corner, a young 12-year-old girl emerged into the light, her face showing the numbness from the trauma of being exploited every hour. Our hearts shattered as we ministered to her, offering hope of rescue. That night, I couldn't sleep, overwhelmed by compassion for the women trapped in human trafficking. This young girl was truly seen by God, who desired her to encounter His unconditional, life-altering love.

Unconditional Loved of God

In Psalms 139:17-18, The imagery used in these verses paints a picture of a God who is intimately involved in the lives of His people, constantly watching over them with a love that knows no bounds. As we meditate on these words, we are reminded of the immeasurable depth of God's love and the unfathomable richness of His grace towards us.


The orphan spirit has been affecting the sense of belonging and acceptance among God's sons and daughters for many years. This results in individuals feeling disconnected from God and their true identity. It is disheartening to witness people embracing the orphan spirit instead of embracing their divine inheritance as sons and daughters. I observed this dynamic in two children in South Africa who were both close to me and dearly loved. Despite having equal access to me as their spiritual father, one of the boys made more effort to build a relationship with me than the other. While working in the vegetable garden at the rubbish dump, I noticed the other boy standing at a distance, looking enviously at us. He would walk back and forth on the dirt road, kicking a can, while watching us interact. Despite my constant invitations for him to join us, his orphan spirit prevented him from accepting love. One day, as we were walking, the boy lashed out and kicked the other boy violently, causing him to cry. Faced with a decision, I chose to respond with unconditional love instead of anger. The boy with the orphan spirit struggled in school, displaying uncontrollable fits of rage that required daily intervention. Each day, I responded with God's unconditional love, despite his biting, scratching, screaming, and punching. After weeks of consistent love and affirmation, the breakthrough came when I told him, "I love you. I am proud of you." In that moment, he melted into my arms, finally able to receive the love of his Heavenly Father. This transformative experience changed his life, allowing him to feel accepted, loved, and never alone. He grew into a confident, gentle, and kind young man, free from the struggles of anger and fits of rage. All this was made possible by the power of God's unconditional love towards him.

Orphan Traits: 11 Key Characteristics

  1. The orphan operates out of insecurity. This deep-rooted sense of insecurity stems from a lack of a stable and nurturing family environment, leading the orphan to constantly seek validation and reassurance from external sources.

  2. The orphan is jealous of the success of his brothers. Feeling inadequate and overlooked, the orphan often harbors jealousy towards those who seem to have achieved success or recognition, further exacerbating their feelings of unworthiness.

  3. The orphan serves God to earn the Father’s love. Desperate for love and acceptance, the orphan may turn to religious practices as a means to gain approval and affection, yet struggling to truly internalize the concept of unconditional love.

  4. The orphan tries to medicate his deep internal alienation through physical stimulation. Seeking temporary relief from the profound sense of disconnection and loneliness, the orphan may engage in behaviors or activities that provide momentary distractions but fail to address the underlying emotional void.

  5. The orphan is driven by the need for success. In a quest to prove their worth and find a sense of belonging, the orphan often fixates on achieving external markers of success, believing that accomplishment will fill the void within.

  6. The orphan uses people as objects to fulfill their goals. Struggling to form genuine connections based on mutual respect and care, the orphan may view relationships as transactional, seeking to extract benefits or validation without considering the well-being of others.

  7. The orphan repels their children. Due to unresolved emotional wounds and a distorted understanding of love, the orphan may struggle to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for their own children, perpetuating a cycle of relational dysfunction.

  8. The orphan has issues with anger and fits of rage. Frustrated by unmet needs and unresolved pain, the orphan may exhibit volatile behavior, lashing out in anger or experiencing intense emotional outbursts as a maladaptive coping mechanism.

  9. The orphan is always in competition with others. Driven by a scarcity mindset and a fear of being overlooked or marginalized, the orphan may view life as a zero-sum game, constantly comparing themselves to others and striving to outperform them.

  10. The orphan has a lack of self-esteem. Struggling to internalize a sense of inherent worth and value, the orphan may rely on external validations such as achievements or possessions to bolster their fragile self-esteem, perpetuating a cycle of insecurity.

  11. The orphan receives their primary identity through material possessions, their physical appearance, and activities. Lacking a strong sense of self and belonging, the orphan may seek to define themselves through external markers such as material wealth, superficial attributes, or superficial pursuits, masking their inner emptiness with fleeting external validations.

In Romans 8:15-16, the apostle Paul speaks about the concept of adoption as children of God. He emphasizes the intimate relationship believers have with God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This passage highlights the assurance and security that comes from being part of God's family. Paul encourages Christians to embrace their identity as heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, sharing in His sufferings and glory. Through these verses, we are reminded of the profound love and grace that God extends towards His children, offering them a sense of belonging and purpose in His divine plan.

Discovering the 11 Characteristics of Sonship

Embarking on the journey of understanding the profound essence of sonship and daughtership unveils a tapestry of intricacies that Father God reveals in our hearts and lives.

  1. A son or daughter functions out of love and acceptance.

    This foundational characteristic underscores the core motivation for every action and decision, emanating from a place of unconditional love and acceptance.

  2. The mature daughter or son is committed to the success of his brothers.

    Embracing a selfless attitude, the mature son or daughter finds fulfillment in uplifting and supporting their fellow siblings in faith, fostering a harmonious unity within the family of God.

  3. The mature son or daughter serves God out of a sense of divine acceptance and favor.

    With a deep-rooted understanding of their identity in Christ, the mature son or daughter joyfully serves God, knowing they are cherished and favored by the Almighty.

  4. The mature daughter or son walks in the joy and presence of the Lord for comfort.

    Guided by the comforting presence of the Lord, the mature daughter or son finds solace and strength in the abiding joy that comes from walking closely with their Heavenly Father.

  5. The Spirit leads the mature son or daughter into his calling and mission.

    Surrendering to the leading of the Holy Spirit, the mature son or daughter discovers their unique calling and purpose, embarking on a transformative journey of fulfilling God's mission for their lives.

  6. Mature daughters and sons serve people to bless the kingdom.

    Driven by a heart of service, mature daughters and sons actively engage in blessing others, contributing to the expansion and enrichment of God's kingdom on earth.

  7. The mature son or daughter attracts their children.

    Through their exemplary lives and unwavering faith, the mature son or daughter becomes a beacon of inspiration, drawing others, including the younger generation, towards the light of Christ.

  8. The spirit of sonship or daughtership rests in the Father’s ability to control and guide their future.

    Entrusting their future into the hands of their Heavenly Father, the spirit of sonship or daughtership finds peace in knowing that God's sovereign control and guidance pave the way for their journey ahead.

  9. The spirit of daughtership and sonship is always blessing others.

    Radiating a spirit of generosity and compassion, those walking in daughtership and sonship consistently seek to bless and uplift those around them, reflecting the love of the Father in their actions.

  10. The spirit of sonship and daughtership walks in the love and acceptance of Father God.

    Immersed in the unfailing love and acceptance of Father God, the spirit of sonship and daughtership finds security and belonging in the arms of their Heavenly Parent, shaping their worldview and interactions with others.

  11. The spirit of daughtership and sonship has their identity grounded in their belonging and their Father’s affirmation.

    Firmly rooted in their identity as beloved children of God, those embodying daughtership and sonship draw strength and confidence from the unwavering affirmation and love of their Heavenly Father, anchoring them in times of uncertainty and trial.

The Power of Sonship

Galatians 3:26 is a powerful verse that highlights the concept of unity and equality in the eyes of God. In this verse, the apostle Paul addresses the Galatian Christians, emphasizing that through faith in Christ, they are all children of God. This message is significant as it transcends social, cultural, and ethnic barriers, emphasizing that in God's kingdom, there is no distinction based on external factors.

By referring to believers as children of God, Paul underscores the intimate relationship that Christians have with their Heavenly Father. This relationship is not based on human merit or status but on the grace and love of God. It signifies a new identity and a sense of belonging to a spiritual family that transcends earthly ties.

Furthermore, Galatians 3:26 serves as a reminder of the unifying power of faith. Regardless of background or past mistakes, all who believe in Christ are welcomed into God's family. This inclusivity is a central theme in the teachings of Jesus and is a cornerstone of the Christian faith.

In essence, Galatians 3:26 encapsulates the core message of Christianity – that through faith in Christ, we are all equal in the eyes of God, united as one family. It challenges believers to see beyond differences and to embrace each other with love and acceptance, mirroring the unconditional love that God has shown towards us.

One is considered an orphan until they are adopted

The Power of Belonging

I recall a time from my childhood when a family from our church decided to adopt a baby girl who had HIV/AIDS. Back then, this disease was largely unknown and people were fearful of it. Despite this, the family, guided by the love of God, chose to adopt the girl who had contracted the virus from her mother. The adoption process was lengthy, especially given the historical context of South Africa where cross-racial adoptions were uncommon. This family was among the pioneers in this regard. The news of a white family adopting a black baby girl with HIV/AIDS made headlines across the country. After a prolonged wait of over three years, the family finally received the adoption papers, and miraculously, the little girl was completely healed of HIV/AIDS. The act of adoption had a transformative effect on her, physically healing her and breaking the cycle of generational struggles.

I firmly believe that the power of adoption has the ability to change lives, freeing us from inherited burdens and allowing us to embrace our identity as children, sharing in the inheritance of our Heavenly Father.

Luke 15:11-32

To break free from the chains that bind you, it is essential to align yourself in a space where you can truly embrace and accept the unconditional love that the Father God has to offer. This process involves not only recognizing the presence of this love but also opening your heart and soul to receive it wholeheartedly. By positioning yourself in a state of vulnerability and receptivity, you create a channel through which the Father's love can flow into your being, nourishing and healing any wounds or insecurities that may have hindered your growth and happiness. Embracing the Father's love empowers you to let go of fear, doubt, and negativity, enabling you to step into a place of strength, acceptance, and self-assurance. Through this transformative journey, you can break free from the limitations that have held you back and bask in the warmth and security of the Father's unwavering love and support.

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